
Wednesday, August 30, 2006

The worst evening

Yesterday, for the first time in my life, i saw a @*#. But the worst thing is that @*# is being slaughtered and carried by an old chinese man without any cover!!! Plus..die letak je that *&^ belakang motor die...huaaaaaa!!!!!! Lagi worst is..he pass through a PASAR MALAM!!!!! can u imagine it...??? i don't know how the crowd at pasar malam react...because, we are on the way home.. just see him from far a part...

moral of the story...harap semua org dapt memahami sensitiviti agama dan kaum...

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Nakal betul!!!

"Nakal betul!!!... sebab tu saya bela Hamster!!" First time i watch this commercial, i think iklan shell... huuu...rupa2nya iklan pepsi... kalau duduk umah taman, org marah x kalau kite bela kerbau???

Foto from Dome

Monday, August 28, 2006

Weekend cookies

I've brought a brand new vacum cleaner last friday..wet and dry plus air blow..yey!!alhamdulillah.. the previous one is Pensonic -cyclops type (like my name). That one dah terbakar motor die last 2 weeks. Waa..sonoknya mevacum umah...the suction power is great..sonok sgt sampai i did vacum my kitchen..hehehhe..

I stayed with my daughther and son during husband was out for dakwah 3 days..God bless him..sonoknya cuti2 ni..main2 dengan anak2..yg x laratnya adalah dua2 x nak tido siang...huuu..penatnya melayan...nak tido kene dodoi2..buai2...alahai ibu die yg ngantuk...anaknya ajak main lg...pkl 12 tghmalam baru nak br anak dua..wondering how my mum besarkan 7 org anak..Ya Allah..lindungi umi dan abah serta adik beradikku, suami serta anak2 ku...dan jadikanlah kami antara umatMu yg diberkati lg dirahmati..

Tengkiu Cheura

I've got some problem with this blog..But,thanks god..i have cheura (yg berdiri tu) yg sedia membantu..tengkiu miau miau.. Cheura is one of the mastermind at Netsecure UTM.. we met when we did master..right now she still at UTM..working there...sayang tul kat UTM tu.. x nak kuar2 ker? we have a fun time there..with Cik Linda, Cik Jan, Cik Ida, Cik Shidah... memories remains..

Friday, August 25, 2006

The eyes

My eyes is going better...syukur alhamdulillah..i've lab la malu sangat jumpa student..yesterday was the eyes is getting red and bengkak...i've got 'multiple ketumbit'..that was what Dr Saidatunnisa told me.. she gave me works for me...alhamdulillah...bukan ubat yg ALLAH!!!

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Sofiyah is going to school..


Ilah is going to operate her tonsil today.. So ilah, doa banyak2... zikir.. insy.. semua selamat..

My Hubby

My love...Ahmad Raqib B Abd Ghani... a very ambitious man with full of sense.. very thoughful..thus always guiding me... actually, my husband is my senior at my previous school..we meet at MRSM PC.. sweet memory... :)

My Little...

My buah hati pengarang jantung... Siti Sofiyah Bt Ahmad Raqib.. DOB 30 Mac 2004..sama tarikh ngan besday sultan that time i deliver at HUSM... Now she's 2 years old... waaa...dah besar anak ibu!!! every time i said that word...mulutnya senyum selebar2nya... then she must said "piah dah besar..piah dah bleh g mekah" amin...amin...semoga Allah makbulkan hajat anak ibu...

The second one is Uthman B Ahmad Raqib...muah..muah adik!!DOB 2 Mei 2006.. cayang adik!! i love his smell.. bau susu badan is so sweet!!!x caya? tanya la ibu2 yg menyusu.. my first baby, i give exclusive breastfeed for almost 1 year and 3 month..after that br i stop..but then for just 2 month exclusive...skrg campur2...but here..i want to stress to new mother or mother to be...nyusu la selama yg boleh...susu ibu adalah anugerah Allah yg tidak ternilai harganya...

My First Time

assalamualiakum...hiii..this is my first time ever after i did my own blog..huhuhuu...dah tua bangka baru nak belaja buat benda2 canggini..but, it's ok...i've done it rather than i x buat it? so..i welcome for any comment or suggestion from u guys .. Thanks..

Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker